An email this a.m. from "Who Remembers Me?"
promises links to long lost pals for a modest fee.
They claim some distant friend is acting as my sponsor
but I suspect this outfit snagged my name off Monster.
Millions of unemployed with their resumes online
supply marketing gurus with an email goldmine.
Would I like to lose weight or make a million dollars?
Serenity and prosperity from men in clerical collars.
I could get a deal on a truck with fuel injectors
and never be bothered again by calls from bill collectors.
I can find inner peace and think like Einstein
by just creating a password for wisdom online.
An evangelical site offers to erase my sins,
just enter Visa numbers and I will get a PIN.
A "Christian Mom" makes five thousand dollars a week.
She's accepting AmEx if I want to take a peek.
I am left to ponder what a Buddhist Mom might do.
Sit in mediation and try to grow bamboo?
But the spell is broken as my email dings
offering a perfect body and an end to bathtub rings.
The job of my dreams is just a mouse click away.
A new book will tell how to turn work into play.
Unemployed with no credit, I offer my demurs
I have all the diseases but can't afford the cures.
- Rich Seeley
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