left me with shin splints.
Couldn’t walk at the zoo.
Didn’t know what to do.
Confined with my Coolpix
in this apartment complex.
Dreamed of photographing lions,
a wolf or bear I might spy on.
But in this suburban bog
nothing but humans walking dogs.
Photo safari falling flat
can’t even find a cat.
Dullsville up to the gizzard
then I spot this little lizard.
But as I point the camera
lizard makes like a chimera
Before I even focus
he goes hocus pocus.
My finger on the shutter falls,
producing close up of stucco walls.
Reptiles may make some queasy
but photographing them ain’t easy.
So I revert to subjects inanimate
but I missed that lizard damn it.
It’s no use, photo shoot done.
Suddnely lizard comes out to sun.
Around the garden he is nosing
then stays still, almost posing.
He lets me focus, click bam, bam.
This lizard turns out to be a ham.
So despite my home bound strife
I’ve photographed some wild life.
- Rhymes and photo by Rich Seeley
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