It is better to see God in everything than to try and figure it out.
- Neem Karoli Baba
Sitting & working.
Sitting & texting.
Sitting & figuring.
Sitting & talking.
Sitting & eating.
Sitting & drinking.
Sitting & waiting.
Sitting & worrying.
Sitting on the phone.
Sitting up straight.
Sitting pretty.
Sitting duck.
Sitting in the catbird seat.
Sitting on the edge of your seat.
But sitting & doing nothing?
There is a virtue in just sitting.
And doing nothing.
Now when Buddhists talk about sitting they usually mean some kind of insight meditation practice, which can be a good thing but it does take some effort.
But another good sitting practice, which has the virtue of being easier, is just sitting quietly doing nothing.
There's no need to wrap your legs into the Lotus position. You can sit on a park bench or in a chair or on the grass.
Just sit out in nature and watch the birds and butterflies.
Or watch the clouds go by.
If there are no clouds or this seems too active, sit and watch the rocks.
If the rocks prove too distracting, close your eyes.
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